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Picking A Candidate Is A Dirty Task. And it SUCKS.

Picking A Candidate Is A Dirty Task. And it SUCKS.

Picking A Candidate Is A Dirty Task. And it SUCKS. I used to sell Kirby vacuum cleaners. Door-to-door. It was a tough sell. First of all, you had to get over that hurdle of knocking on the door of a complete stranger, and asking them to fork over an ENORMOUS amount of...
Don’t Catch the Moronavirus!

Don’t Catch the Moronavirus!

Don’t Catch the Moronavirus! I sneezed tonight. Big deal, you might be thinking, ammirite? Well, for me, it’s kind of a big deal. Maybe. I know folks who regularly sneeze about 3-4 times a day when they’re healthy. Usually I only sneeze 2 or 3 times every few...
Why I Backed Hillary…Over Obama.

Why I Backed Hillary…Over Obama.

Why I Backed Hillary…Over Obama. I never expected to see a Black President in my lifetime. One of the few pictures my Mom had hanging from the wall in our living room was of Malcolm X. I don’t recall us ever discussing him, or his contribution to our story of...
How I Became Defiant

How I Became Defiant

How I Became Defiant The year was 2016… …before we all learned how EASY it was to watch an insane, lying, racist, pussy-grabbing criminal invade our White House. I was not yet a part of The Resistance, because there was nothing to resist yet. After the...
Why I Wrote “The Liddle’est President”

Why I Wrote “The Liddle’est President”

Why I Wrote “The Liddle’est President” It was a chilly Saturday September morning… It’s hard to forget days like that, because I was up MUCH earlier than usual, as our daughter was participating in a track and field club, “Girls On The Run,”...

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