Republican Ructions: McCarthy Falls Short
Democracy up against the guardrails. Where are the adults in the room?...
The White House Holiday Festivities
The holiday season is upon us. The White House is decked out in one of her finest Holiday outfits, and the world feels an extra hug of shared joy and happiness. Festivities abound and no matter how or whether you celebrate the holiday season, the end of the year is a good time to reflect on the past year, look forward to the year ahead and just sit for a time in kindness and calm. Happy Holidays dear friends!
Stabbed By A Neighbor: Point Taken?
Terrorism is deplorable, PERIOD.
ALL terrorism. But I know it would feel much worse to know that I’ve been stabbed to death by my own neighbor than run over in a car by a complete stranger.
COVID Closes One Door, While I Reopen Another.
BDD shows his optimism in the face of a COVID job loss and changing employment scene when ageism becomes a challenge…
BDD Hosts the No Dem Left Behind Town Hall!
BDD hosts his first No Dem Left Behind Town Hall! Don’t miss this important discussion about America’s political climate and how we need to move forward with some very significant political figures helping us achieve this in positive ways!!! Oh, and there might be some very light-hearted moments and huge laughs from BDD and his guests!
BDD’s Debut on the Stephanie Miller Show!
BDD had a very Happy Birthday with a guest debut spot on the Stephanie Miller show! Don’t miss his most excellent Sally O’Malley kick and stretch to celebrate!!!
Storytime with BDD…Living With Unicornavirus…
Tired of the manic meltdowns in trump’s coronavirus press briefings? Tune in to Storytime with BDD. Today’s edition features the realization that Bleach is not the answer if you have Unicornavirus!
Storytime with BDD…The Where Which TP Project
Tired of the manic meltdowns in trump’s coronavirus press briefings? Tune in to Storytime with BDD.
COVID-19 In the Storytime Zone…
Looking for something else to do while waiting for your #stimuluscheck from the IRS? Tired of the manic meltdowns in trump’s coronavirus press briefings? Tune in to Storytime with BDD.
Are trump and the GOP Trying to KILL Us?
Their madness is insidious, and evil: they want to incompetent us to death. They want to dumb decision us to death. They want to bludgeon us with buffoonery and strangle us with stupidity to death. If you’ve been paying attention to the slow-motion unraveling of this nightmare from which we cannot awaken, the trump administration has downplayed the threat of Coronavirus from the very beginning.
What if Bernie Sanders WINS the DEM Nomination?
The choices are Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders: two men who, while not perfect, not without their faults, have a TON more in common with my view of how America should be governed than the unfit, unhinged buffoon who currently occupies that office. I wholeheartedly believe, with every fiber of my being, that EITHER of these men would be a 1,000,000 percent improvement over trump.
Green Shirt Guy – Alex Kack: An Interview with BrooklynDad
Remember “Green Shirt Guy”? He was captured on video laughing uncontrollably at some trumper-type ranter, and now he’s been captured on video interviewing our fave BrooklynDad!!
Things We Took for Granted Before COVID-19…
I posted a tweet earlier today, briefly mentioning how I missed the movies, and I asked folks what things THEY missed, and I was moved to tears about some of the things people missed…things they’d possibly taken for granted before we were all ordered to shelter in place in order to stay safe from COVID-19.
Sheltered in Place Activities with BDD!
BrooklynDad_Defiant is taking his Shelter in Place activity list VERY seriously. So if you are restless, bored, or in need of a laugh, check out his video for activity inspiration!
COVID-19 Beard Shave Challenge
BrooklynDad_Defiant is taking the Beard Shave Challenge for health and safety in the face (mask) of COVID-19.
The Liddle’est President – Book Signing
BrooklynDad_Defiant talks about the process of autographing his book, The Liddle’est President, for readers, and reads out some of his favorite message requests! Buy your autographed copy from this website today or buy the book from all good book stores, like Amazon.
When I Was Homeless…
My homeless situation was not something that I could blame on anything or anyone but myself. After all, I had been the beneficiary of an excellent private school education: I had a scholarship to The Dalton School, an exclusive prep school from which I received an extraordinary head start. And I had a family and friends that loved me.
Shelter in Place: The New Normal.
Things may seem dark right now, but within each of us there is a light that is brighter than all of the lights that went out that hot August night. We can, and will, light the way towards recovery.
Fear and Loathing in Coronavirus.
Fear is a powerful thing. They say fear is a motivator. It can motivate us to get out of the way of a vehicle speeding in our direction, and other obvious, immediate threats to our personal safety. Fear of running out of toilet paper, because other folks have been panic-buying all of the toilet paper, has made people horde a ridiculous amount of toilet paper, leaving less or none for our fellow citizens.
What Happens If Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dies?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, aka the Notorious RBG, has looked cancer in the face and laughed as she beat it. FOUR TIMES. It’s remarkable enough to do that once, but four times??? That’s nothing short of miraculous.
Picking A Candidate Is A Dirty Task. And it SUCKS.
See, I originally invested in the Elizabeth Warren model, which was FANTASTIC, but it didn’t have enough “man-power” to keep running…all of the juice was being sucked up by the other “popular” white male models.
Book Launch MARCH 21st
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Also coming to the BDD Store soon…
The therapeutic benefits of an adult coloring book created from the much-sought after title ‘The Liddle’est President’ by Majid M. Padellan. Who knew that coloring in the bigly man-baby could help reduce stress and anxiety, and help calm emotional conflict? But now you can by making trump as orange as you like or Mike Pence the insipid shade of ‘Mother-said-so-yellow‘!
Available in the BDD Store soon. Signup to the BDD Mailing List for updates.